Sunday, February 14, 2016

day 2

I  have screwed up!  Just that fast, I have!  When learning coaching, we learnt to actually celebrate our failures.  Not sure any more if this is such a reasonable idea, but I get the meaning of it; not to fall if you fail or something.

Sleeping turns out to be terribly important, and for me also emotions. Emotions turn my life upside down and I was trying yesterday to really keep myself intact. You know like one of those fictitious characters who always have their hair done and stuff?  you know like this pretty girl, the fiancé in the new movie  "Dirty grandpa". Yes, sure they show her losing in the end and not living life to the fullest, and yes  I do agree, but ...ah...part of me has always and forever - probably- will envy this kind of women...self contained and they know what they want and where to go.... they master their emotions not be run around by them, like some girls... who never grow up really into full women, I guess.

Anyway, apart from this extra baggage flowing in the paragraph above, let me review together with myself what I have done. 

1- I was very upset yesterday and though I handled it in a cool way, it somehow I guess, did not let me sleep at night. my emotional insecurities must have run out in the room and kept playing with my pillows and hair locks. 

2- So I woke up devastated and when I finally went to sleep by 2pm, I woke up feeling as if I was drugged and guess what? I was too tired to drag myself into the kitchen and myself and my son we ordered the junkiest food ever "Mcdonalds" yeeekes... it is lousy, tasteless but somehow you miss junk every once in a while...

So here I failed tremendously.

Another failure that was not so tremendous; I was craving sweets, so I stole a few marshmallows from my son's room. The good thing is that I restrained myself from going further, which by the way was so damn tempting... I talked myself into the fact that I read a couple of days ago . It says that the more you eat sweets, the more you are incapable of using the restraint buttons in your brain or something of the sort.  So, it is like a vicious circle in the end. 

I have not meditated. I have taken my medications.  I have followed by son's work progress so far.  and one thing I did that needs applause.  In place of pushing myself to go out and do my errands since I am off from work due to sickness.. I actually respected the temple of my soul; my body and let it rest.  I confronted myself with " do you really think you can drive in such state?" which is totally not my habitual stand. It was an achievement taken in consideration my usual super woman attitude.

So, at least I am quite conscious of my behaviors which is a progress in itself and at the same time, this blog therefore is doing its job properly.

Resting is an achievement for me and I am also reading about changing habits. 

not so great, but I will not get discouraged.


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